Wednesday 21 March 2007

"Chancellor is behind the times" says councillor for environment

By Alex Delaney

Islington Council have turned their noses up at the Gordon Brown’s attempt to up his green credentials, in what is likely to be his last ever budget.
Lucy Watt, Islington Borough Council’s executive for the environment, said: “Islington council has been implementing green policies for some time now. In this respect the Chancellor is behind the times.”

Gordon Brown is competing with the Conservatives for making the greenest policies and will encourage more environmentally friendly behaviour, with tax incentives for the installation of green energy sources in their homes.

Over the next two years, tax on inefficient cars will increase to at least £400. Owners of many other cars are also expected to face a rise in inflation, or a modest above-inflation increase, but owners of the least polluting cars will enjoy tax reductions.

Gordon Brown’s measures fall well short of the demands of the green lobby and are small, compared to the green policies of local councils.

The budget comes as Islington Council announce a £3 million fund for the installation of solar panels and wind turbines for homeowners.

Islington Green campaigners, Groundwork, are critical of Brown’s proposals. Representative Ben Levinson said: “The budget does not go as far as it could in releasing money for improving the homes of millions of people who want to cut their carbon footprint.”

Sarah Metcalf, who lives in Highbury, and owns a 4x4, says she will be hit hardest by Brown’s latest budget. “ I don’t mind if my road tax goes up, because I own a car that pollutes - what I resent is that Brown is only doing it to compete with the Conservatives.”

Wendy Baverstock, who works for Groundwork, and supports the Islington Climate Change Partnership, said: “ Islington is quite far ahead of other councils and I hope that the Chancellors budget will bring other councils into line.”

The Chancellor has also announced an extra £1 billion to tackle child poverty. With some Islington children being among the most deprived in the country, Brown’s investment in education and child poverty could help those who need it most.

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